
Featured Publications
Some of our published research:
Asher, MG, and AS Bali. 2015. “Public Pensions in Southeast Asia: An Assessment”, Asian Economic Policy Review, 10 (2), 225-245
Asher, MG, AS Bali. CY Kwan 2015. “Public Financial Management in Singapore 1950-2010: A Retrospective” Singapore Economic Review, 60 (3).
Bali, A, Mckiernan, P, Vas, C and Waring, P. 2016. ‘Competition Law, Regulation and Trade: Implications for Productivity and Innovation in Singaporean Manufacturing SME’, In Lee, C and Schaper, M (Eds) Competition Law, Regulation And SMEs: Understanding The Small Business Perspective, Institute Of South East Asian Studies, Singapore
Bali, AS and M. Ramesh. 2015. “Healthcare Reforms in India: Getting it Wrong”, Public Policy and Administration, 30 (3-4)300-319.
Bali, AS and M. Ramesh. 2015. “Mark Time: India’s March to Universal Health Coverage”, Social Policy and Administration, 49(6) PP. 718-737
Bali, AS. 2014. “The Political Economy of Pension Reforms in India”, Public Administration and Development, DOI: 10.1002/pad1681
Bray, M, Waring, P, Cooper, R, Macneil, J. 2014. Employment Relations: Theory And Practice , 3e Mcgraw- Hill, Sydney
Legrand, T., Vas, C. 2014. Framing the Policy Analysis of OECD and Australian VET Interaction: Two Heuristics of Policy Transfer, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 16, 3, pages 230 – 248. DOI:10.1080/13876988.2014.910909
Lim, T., Bali, A. and Moo, M. 2017. “New Digital Realities and Old PSB Models – the case of public access and participation in Singapore’s televisual landscape”, Media International Australia.
Lim, T. 2018. “Pan-Asian Celebrity and Manufacturing Women Audiences’ Desires on Big and Small Screens” in M. Keane, T. Flew and B. Yecies (eds.) Willing Collaborators: East Asian Media Co-productions, Rowman and Littlefield LLP, pp. 199-212.
McPherson, M and Vas, C. 2013. Tackling Challenges of Productive Growth in Resource Dependent Countries: The Experience of Ghana and Indonesia. Productivity Policy Research Program, HC Coombs Policy Forum – Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, Canberra
Mitchlacher, L, Waring, P, Burgess, J and Connell, J. 2014. Agency Work and Agency Workers – Employee Representation in Germany and Singapore. International Journal of Employment Studies, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 6-24.
Nair, S.R., & Little, V. J. (2016). Context, Culture and Green Consumption: A New Framework. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 1-16.
Nair, S.R and Ndubisi, N.O. (2015). Evaluating Management’s Environmental Commitment and Link with Firm’s Environmental Orientation. Journal of Management Research. July-Sept 2015 issue
Nicolopoulou, K., Karatas-Ozkan, M., Vas, C and Noumann, M. 2016. An incubation perspective on social innovation: The London Hub as a social incubator. R&D Management. DOI: 10.1111/radm.12179
Palmer, A., Oakley, G., & Pegrum, M. (in review). A culture of sharing? Transnational higher education students’ views on plagiarism in the digital era.
Tan, E., & Law, R. (2016). mLearning as a softer visitor management approach for sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(1), 132-152, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2015.1049610
Tan, E., & Abu Bakar, B. (2016). The Asian female tourist gaze: A conceptual framework. In C. Khoo-Lattimore & P. Mura (Eds.). Asian Genders in Tourism. Abingdon, OX: Channel View Publications.
Vas, C., Bali, A., McKiernan, P. and Waring, P. Addressing sustainability challenges through state-led social innovation: The Singapore story. In Nicolopolou, K. Karatas-Ozkan, M. Janssen, F. and Jermier, J. (eds) Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. Routledge (forthcoming)
(Vas, C – Contributor). Second Murdoch Commission. 2015. Food Security, Trade And Partnerships: Towards Resilient Regional Food Systems In Asia. Murdoch University. Perth: Australia. Available online at:
Vas, C. 2014. Generating Insight from Foresight: The Emerging Social Challenges for Law Enforcement Policy Makers. In Den Heyer, Garth, & Das, Dilip K. (eds). 2014. Economic Development, Crime and Policing: Global Perspectives. CRC Press
Vas, C. and Koruth, T.2013. Planning a Productive Higher Education System, US-China Education Review. A, 3, 10, pages 730 – 738.
Waring, P and Burgess, J, Mitlacher, L and Connell, J .2015. Temporary Agency Work in Australia, Germany and Singapore. in Fu, H (ed) Temporary Agency Work and Globalisation, Gower, England, pp. 71-94.
Waring, P and Lewer J. 2013. The Global Financial Crisis, Employment Relations and the Labour Market in Singapore and Australia. Asia Pacific Business Review, vol. 19, No. 2pp. 217-229.
Waring, P. 2014. Singapore’s Global Schoolhouse Strategy: Retreat or Recalibration? Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 39, Issue 5, pp. 874-884.